Friday, December 27, 2019

Summary And Response Of Community College - 947 Words

Summary and Response In high school, students have the tendency to think that community college is something that is bad. In â€Å"Confessions Of A Girl Who Was ‘Too Smart For Community College’,† Chelsea Fagan talks about how in school, she had a hard time in school with her grades and how her school showed off kids that went to college on a bulletin board. She tried everything to avoid going to a community college. Only for the reason that there was a â€Å"stigma† on how community colleges are mostly frowned upon or even laughed at (Fagan). Being rejected from many colleges she then convinced herself that she was too smart to go to a community college. Later on she reluctantly went to community college expecting it to be terrible. She quickly realized that community college was a great place to be. Later on, this gave her opening to go to other places. She closes off with her stating how community college is a great place financially and also a great place to mature. In â₠¬Å"Confessions Of A Girl Who Was ‘Too Smart For Community College,’† Chelsea Fagan’s simple structure and casual tone make it easy for a reader to understand her main point, and I agree with her concerns on the reproach of community college, but she never really explained why community college was great other than her thoughts on it being cheaper making her argument a little weak. Her simple sentence structure helps the reader that is fresh out of high school understand where she will be going with this blog post.Show MoreRelatedA Scientific Discussion About Diet And Exercise For Health And Weight Loss881 Words   |  4 Pagesevaluation of the effectiveness of different forms of exercise and diet to the community of Manchester Community College, where I have been working as an adjunct professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology. The presentation and the book being proposed is based on findings from a series of meta-analytic papers submitted or in print. 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